The glory of any religion is a vital aspect. Once this is gone or faded, that religion is really going to face a wide range of problems. There are many religions in this world that have faced the same sort of problem. What's more Islam isn't avoided from this rundown. It’s the glory of Islam that has faded and gone down due to the deviations and misconceptions. There are many Muslims whose life has been affected due to the same reason. But there is a way out for this problem.
To get rid of these issues, you must read The Devil's Deception Talbis Iblis. It’s a kind of Islamic book that tells more about the deviations and misconceptions that have really managed to hamper the glory of Islam. Once you come to know more about these things, you can easily eliminate from your life and can lead a better and proper Muslim life. For centuries, these deviations have clouded the glory of this religion. Now by reading this book you can know more about them. Staying aware of these deviations can help you avoid them in your life easily. And you will not get deviated further from following the actual rules of Islam.
Khadijah is the first wife to Prophet Muhammad. She is also the most important lady in the prophet’s life. She is also the very first one who started believing in the prophet’s sayings and statements. So this is always important for you to know more about her. And this is where the book like Khadijah Mother of History's Greatest Nation can bring a great help for you.